FYB’s Saturday Night Controversial Cinema: FREAKSHOW!

FYB is Proud to Present the CONTROVERSIAL 1932 Film FREAKS!

Freaks is a GROTESQUE Horror Movie about REVENGE Produced and Directed by Tod Browning. The Original Version of the Film with a Running Time of 90 Minutes was Considered TOO SHOCKING TO BE RELEASED!!! Several Scenes had to be Cut resulting in a Running time of 64 Minutes. The Original Version NO LONGER EXISTS!

Despite the EXTENSIVE CUTS, The Movie was NEGATIVELY RECEIVED by Audiences (recording a Loss of $164,000) and The Film Remained an Object of EXTREME CONTROVERSY! Today the Scenes that were Removed are Considered Lost.

FREAKS was considered so CONTROVERSIAL it Ended Tod Browning’s Career due to the Fact that after FREAKS Release NO ONE in Hollywood Wanted to Work For or With Him. This was Greatly in part Due to Browning’s use of REAL LIFE Circus Shade Show Performers/Acts. This was Perceived by the Film Industry and by Members of the Public as a TOO GRAPHIC, DISTASTEFUL, AND EXPLOITIVE Display of Humans with the SEVEREST PHYSICAL DISABILITIES. By 1932 Freak Shows had Lost Their Popularity among the Public and had Become Looked Down On as Low Entertainment. Also Disabled People were now Subjected to Sympathy/Pity rather than Gawking and Ridicule.


FREAKS became the ONLY MGM FILM Ever to be PULLED FROM RELEASE Before Completing its Domestic Engagements (Which Means They Pulled it From Theaters). Because the Film was thought to be OVERLY EXPLOITIVE, FREAKS was BANNED in SEVERAL COUNTRIES, and in the United Kingdom FREAKS was BANNED FOR 30 YEARS!

Some Reviewers Went on Record Stating:

“Any One Who considers this Entertainment should be Placed in the Pathological Ward (Psych Ward) in some Hospital” -Harrison’s Reports

“There is NO EXUSE for this Picture. It took a Weak Mind to Produce and it takes a STRONG STOMACH to Look at It.” -The Kansas City Star

“(FREAKS) is an OUTRAGEOUS ONSLAUGHT upon the Feelings, the Senses, the Brains, and Stomachs of an Audience.” The Hollywood Reporter

Plot Summery: Circus Dwarves Hans and Frieda and Engaged to be Married. They Work in a Tight-Knit Community of “Freaks” that includes a “Human Torso”, a Pair of Conjoined Twins, a “Half Boy”, and Other Assorted Characters (Who were Actual Sideshow Performers Too). The Conniving Gold Digger Trapeze Artist Cleopatra a “Normal” , learns that Hans has a Large Inheritance, and She Seduces Him for His Fortune.

At the Wedding Feast after They Marry, Cleopatra is Offered Initiation into the Freak’s Community. However She Rejects the Freaks and Turns against Hans. Soon After , the Freaks learn that Cleopatra and Her Boyfriend, the Strongman Hercules, have begun POISONING Hans.

In RETALIATION for this Attempted MURDER, the Freaks ATTACK Cleopatra and Hercules in a Climactic Rainstorm Chase Scene. In The End Cleopatra and Hercules learn What Being a True Freak Really Means!

WARNING! The Following Film Contains Content That Some Viewers May Find Objectionable VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

“Gooba Gabba Gooba Gobble One Of US!” Goodnight and Sleep Tight.

Thanks for Reading/Viewing,

Presented by Les Sober FYB (12:26 am)