Unknown History To Me

Tonight I was informed by my Wife that she is deeply concerned that I don’t know who the hell Shamus McButtfucker is. I am a big fan of history as its a Sociological Study, and pride myself on being smarter than the average bear on the subject. I openly admit I have never heard hide nor hair of this so called Shamus McButtfucker. So curious on where the fuck my Wife was going with this I asked Why the hell I should know who the fuck Shamus is in the first fucking place?!

She replied that Shamus McButtfucker was an Irish Cowboy circa 1614 ad who’s claim to fame was that he buttfucked all the cows out of Ireland because there was a huge cow epidemic, and they weren’t producing enough beef. So Shamus informed the cows that this was unacceptable , and therefore immediately started buttfucking them into submission. Needless to say the cows started producing more beef. Thus Ireland was saved from the great beef famine of 1676.

Subsequent Note: The potato famine suffered Irland a worse fate because for some unknown reason at that time there was no Shamus McSpudsfucker sad to say.

Thanks for the read,

Les SoberĀ