A Difference in Directors : A Quick Character Comparison

There are two sistink ways a Movie Director signs off on their various Films. The First is “A So-and-So Film” and the second being the “A Film by So-and-So” Now in reality these are just a way to Brand their product to help get the Directors name and work out into the World.

Now here is what chaps my ass when it comes to these two types of Branding. Allow me to explain.

The First identifier the “A Film by So-and-So” in my opinion is just fine and absolutely appropriate. Its a more subtly humble way of addressing how a Director takes credit for their work. Its a way to help Viewers to recognize the Director’s past/present/future Films, and know what kind of fare they will be seeing splayed across the Silver Screen. Think of it like this for example (as well as comparison purposes) if you see Stephen King’s name you know what your getting, your getting some seriously sick ,twisted,violent, scary fucking shit. If you see Tom Clancy’s name you again know what your getting which is some crazy, detailed, expert account of the American Military, Government Agencies and Politicians.

Now the Second way for a Director to help the public identify their Films is to use the tag line “A Film by So-and-So” THIS IS SO GODDAMN STUPID. This claim goes far beyond egotistical and far into megalomania. Why is this? Its because when you state “A Film by So-and-So” its as if their saying “I did this, ME and only ME”, and thats so fucking ridiculous its insulting and offensive to all the other people/professionals that worked their asses off on the Film to help complete the Director’s vision of/for their particular Film. I mean really what the fuck is the Director thinking or perhaps its the fact that their not thinking about anything (or anyone) else, but themselves and their career. Seriously what am I the viewer supposed believe that the Director was responsible for the entire production as if they acted all the parts, ran cameras and sound, found locations to shoot, did wardrobe, special effects, stunts, catering, editing, producing, writing, promoting, the soundtrack, and funded the whole fucking Film themselves which as we all know is the farthest fucking thing from the actual truth.

In Summation if your going to Direct Movies thats awesome and I wish you all the luck in Hollyweird, BUT when the Film is wrapped, all said is and done DON’T BE A SELF CENTERED PRICK. Its your Film true but my point is you sure as hell didn’t do it all by your little self now did you?!

Thanks For the Read,

Les Sober