A Smiling Woman Christmas

This Little Slice of Holiday Hell came as a Rather Pleasant Surprise so Todays Post is A SMILING WOMAN CHRISTMAS Written and  Directed by Alex Magaña. Magana is the Writter and Director of the 6 Episode THE SMILING WOMAN Short Horror Series who has graced Us with this Little Creepy Christmas Present.

Brief Synopsis of the Smiling Woman Series: All Installments Start when a Digital Clock Display clicks over from 1:00 am to 1:01 am. The Premiss Remains the Same Throughout the SMILING WOMAN Series each Unique Installment Brings Us Closer to Discovering Who or What the Smiling Woman Is. When it comes to The SMILING WOMAN Series it Doesn’t take Long to Find its Legs and Take Off Running.

Plot: On a Late Night before Christmas, at an Empty Train Station, a Lone Traveler is Terrorized by an Ominous Smiling Woman with a Ghastly Gift to Give.


CAST: Zara – Tooba Sheikh and  Laura S. Wong as The Smiling Woman

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober

Short Horror Film Friday: NO THROUGH ROAD 3

Welcome to Another Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Fraturing NO THROUGH ROAD 3! To Anyone Who thought the Text at the End of NO THROUGH ROAD 2 was Foreshadowing for a Third FIlm in the Series Congratulations You were Absolutely Correct.

We have already Posted the Original No Through Road 1 and 2 in a Previous Installments of Short Horror Film Friday, and were Thrilled to Learn that a Third Film had in fact been Made. We Highly recommend You Go watch No Road Through 1 and 2   First before Watching the Third Film so that You’re Not Confused as to what the Hell is Happening in NO THROUGH ROAD 3.

So Far We haven’t been able (and Not for a Lack of Trying I assure You) find out Exactly WHO made  the No Through Road Trilogy. The Closest thing to any real Information is that the Film was made by a Group of British Teenagers, But this has yet to be Confirmed. Now NO ROAD THROUGH 3 is by Far the Shortest of the Three Films Clocking in with a Running Time of a Mere 2 Minutes and 35 Seconds (In Comparison the Previous Two No Road Through Films have Running Times of 10 Minutes and Change).

Premise: James, Cameraman Dave, and a still visibly Shaken Steven are still Trapped Driving in an Endless Loop in the Middle of Nowhere without any Cell Service. They have apparently been  Driving in Vain for a While since the Sun has Set and the Teens find Themselves Once Again Driving in the All Encompassing Dark of Night. This only Serves to Complicate things for the Boys in Their Attempts to Escape and Return Home Safely. Finally out of Pure Frustration the Boys turn right at the Street Sign for Bennington when They pass the Sign for it for the Umpteeth Time. The Boys Figure it’s Their Only Option at this Point for Possibly Escaping the Dire  Situation  They are In though They aren’t Happy about it in the Least. Unfortunately just After Turning Down Bennington the Boys Encounter The Ominous Man in a Mask Once Again. The Boys more Terrified than Ever bring the Car to a Dead Stop at the Sight of the Man in the Mask. Meanwhile The Man in the Mask Stands unyielding in the Road Blocking The Boys  Path, and  Waiting for the Them  to make Their Move.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober