My First Slumber Party

Welcome to Another Monday Post here at FYB featuring MY FIRST SLUMBER PARTY By One of Our Favorite Creative Artists MeatCanyon.

Sleepovers are one of the Strangest Rites go Passage for a Kid if You think about it. You make Friends at School, then Hangout at Each other’s Houses, and then the Almost Inevitable Sleepover. It’s such an Awkward Dynamic because once Night Falls You realize You have to Deal with Your Friend’s Adult Parents. To make things Feel even Uneasier You’re a Child who now must Communicate with Bigger and Smarter Adults (who have Temporary Authority and Control over You) without the Benefits of Your Parents acting as Your Amateur Ambassador. The Surreal part is You’re in Familiar Surroundings, but in the Context of a Sleepover They Suddenly Seem Utterly Alien at the Same Time. Then to Top off the Whole Bizarreness of it All You wake up in the Middle of the Night to take a Leak, and the Once Nondescript Hallway is Now Hauntingly Silent and Cloaked in Shadow. By the Time You get Home the Next Day You feel as if You just came back from a Foreign Country that just so Happened to be Ruled by Your Friends Parents.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by his online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, animator, voice actor, comedian, writer, and director who makes parody animations of popular characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s animations  have been described them in just one single word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that something normal or mundane gets you killed or possible worse.

PLOT: An Eight Year Old MeatCanyon has a Rather Creepy Experience during His First Sleep Over at His Buddy Luke’s House involving Banana’s, Religion, Pokemon Cards, and His Friend’s Apparently Sociopath of a Father.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober

A Little Taste of Insanity: This Is Special Time

There is a First Time for Everything, and This One is a First for Us here at FYB. As Our Reader’s may Very Well Be Aware We Pride Ourselves on Thoroughly Researching a Post to bring Our Reader’s all the Facts, Hypothesizes, Rumors, Theories, And Pertinent Information relating to the Subject Matter of Said Post. We have continued to do so with This Post as Well accept for the Fact there isn’t a whole hell of a lot to tell, BUT it was still so fucking Unnerving We had to Help Bring it to the Eyes of the World. The Backstory is the following Video This Is Special Time is a REAL Advertisement for an ACTUAL Ice Cream Company called Little Baby’s Ice Cream.

After watching the Video You will see the Company’s Name just adds an Extra layer of Uneasiness to it. The Question still remains Who the fuck Came up with such a Creepy Concept, and Why did They opt t Hire a Sociopath Who Apparently is going through a Psychotic Break to Star in it?! The Imagery makes the Viewer so Uncomfortable that Not even the Calm and Reassuring Voice of the English Gentleman Narrating it Fails to Elevate the Eeriness. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

FYB Tuesday Terror Movie: MEAT GRINDER!!!

FBY is Proud to Present the 2009 Thai Cannibal Horror Movie MEAT GRINDER Written and Directed by Tiwa Moeithaisong.


Brief Plot Summery: But (Played by Mai Charoenpura) is a DISTURBED Woman who hears Voices in Her head and Tormented by Horrific Visions. Having been Taught some Dubious and Unconventional Food Preparation and Cooking Skills by Her Mother, She decides to Open up a Noodle Stall, using the Dead Body of a Man who was Killed in a Riot as the Main Ingredient. Soon the Customers are Turning up in Droves for Her Delicious Meals, and Life start is looking up as a Nice Good Looking Young Man takes a Romantic Interest in Her. However, Her past comes back to HAUNT Her, and as her Mental State starts to Break Down, Yet more People end up on The CHOPPING BLOCK or HANGING ON MEAT HOOKS in Her Basement.


The Film also Tackles the Themes of Mental Illness and the Mistreatment of Women, with But’s Behavior being Depicted as being part of an ongoing CYCLE OF VIOLENCE that she suffered as a Child, and which She is now passing on to Her own Daughter. Will But’s Cannibal Cuisine end up getting Her Caught or will Her Flair for Cooking Human Flesh lead to Her to the Life She always Wanted? Wait, Watch, and see for Yourself.

We hope You enjoyed this Tasty Cannibalistic Morsel as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober

FYB’s Friday Madman Movie: GROTESQUE!!!

FYB is Excited to Present the 2009 Japanese Exploitation Horror Film written and Directed by Kaji Shiraishi GROTESQUE! Though Grotesque is billed as a Exploitation Horror Movie most People would Classify it as The Horror Sub Genre known as Torture Porn (made Famous by movies such as Saw and Hostel for example).


Plot Summery: The Young Couple Aki and Kazuo are Kidnapped off the Street during Their First Date after being co-workers for many Years. The Couple wakes up Shackled in a Basement with Plastic-Covered Walls. With No Explanation a SADISTIC MADMAN precedes to DEGRADE, TORTURE, AND MUTILATE THEM! The Madman stops Torturing the Couple to Provide Medical Assistance to Heal the Couple’s Wounds, so They can Live for a Longer Period of Time. It gradually becomes apparent that the Madman has Professional Medical Training, Refined Manners, a Taste for Classical Music, and Fine Wines. He also dresses in Expensive Clothes when He isn’t dressed like a PSYCHOTIC SURGEN. During the TORTURE PROCESS, it is Revealed the Madman is simply Torturing the Couple Mercilessly for Sexual Stimulation, and Informs the Couple He actually wants Them to SURVIVE the Ordeal.

Can the Young Couple Survive The Sick Sexual Horror They’re subjected to or are They Destined to Die in the Sinister Clutches of The Psychotically Sadistic Surgeon??? You’ll just have to watch and See. Enjoy.

(Note to Viewer: You’ll Have to Set Subtitles to “English” in Settings).



We Hope You enjoyed the Sadistic Slaughter as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober