Short Horror Film Friday: Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared

Welcome to Another Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring the Surreal British Cult Comedy Horror Web Series DON’T HUG ME I’M SCARED . The Web Series was Created by British Filmmakers, Graphic Designers, Artists, and Animators Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling. DHMIS Consists of 6 Episodes, Released from July 29, 2011 to June 19, 2016 through The Artists’ Website, YouTube, and Vimo. Every Episode of DHMIS Utilizes Live Actors in Costume, Anthropomorphic Puppets, Traditional Animation, Stop Motion, and Computer Animation to Tell Each Story in the Series.

Each Episode Revolves around Yellow Guy (and His Father Roy Gibbleston), Red Guy and Duck Guy meeting One or Several Anthropomorphic CHaracters, Who begin a Musical Number related to a Basic Concept of Day-To-Day Life complete with an Upbeat Melody similar to that of a Nursery Rhyme. As Each Song progresses, it becomes Apparent that its Moral/Message is Nonsensical or Self-Contradicting, and that the “Teacher” Character has an Sinister Ulterior Motives. The Climax of each Episode Typically Involves GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, BLOOD SHED, GORE, OR PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR!!! Later int he Series, the CHaracters begin to Questioning the NAture of Their Reality and the Bizarre Messages of the Teachers.








Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober & Justin Sane  

FYB’s Personal Pandora’s Box is About to Bust Wide Open.

Well Hello Dear Reader,

This is just another quick Peak Behind the FYB Curtin to Let You Know what We are Up To.

SpaceDog has returned from a Cerebral Sabbatical of sorts and We couldn’t be Happier about that.

Now that I have gone 166 Rounds with the Issue of Time Management  I have Managed to Free Up some Time to give FYB the Attention that it Truly Deserves.

What that means essentially is FYB is about to go through some rather Serious Growing Pains in the Next few Months.


I have a Virtually Insurmountable amount of Catch Up to Accomplish to say the fucking least. There are so MANY Unorthodox and Unconventional Oddities, Mysteries, Curiosities, and Discoveries Roaming This Reality of Ours I barely know where the fuck to Begin.

SO I will be Using the so called “Monkey Method” We Throw a Bunch of Shit at the Wall and See what Sticks as Content comes at a Much Quicker Pace. If You LIKE something by all means Let Us Know. If You HATE something by all means Let Us Know. We aren’t at all Afraid of Criticism.


FYB’s Amended Mission Statement Update Below.

We are Our Own Alternative Dimension as to Adhere to Our Uniquely Unusual Agenda with Absolute and Utter Abandon. We will continue to Feed the Creative Hedonism with an Epileptic Intelligence, and Unapologetic President.

We are the 7th Dimension to Your 6th, a Niche within a Niche within a Niche Once More running on a Transcendental Time Line Searching out the Secrets of The Soul. Thriving on an Undying Curiosity to fill Our Emporium of Abominations with Abnormal Creations of Kinds and Creeds.


We SHUN the Inane and Mundane Mainstream full of Floating Bloated Corporate Corpses clogging up the Rivers of Creativity. The Mainstream is NOT CREATIVE it is DESTRUCTIVE. It Chokes the Life Out of Ideas and Slaughters Original Thought.

We are the Reuniting of Split Personalities Standing Victoriously in The Infinitely Unyielding Vastness of the Virtual Void. We are Higher than the Hight Road, and Lower than the Low Road a Lost Circus Sideshow Attraction abandoned by The Wayside only to Defy Death with Insanity to Achieve Immortality.


We are the Ideas that Lurk in the Confines of Your Cranium, We are the Thoughts that Linger while Sitting inside Your Skull. Our Strength comes from Those who Try and Kill Us.

Remember to Question Everything and Everyone. Reality is a Construct.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Is Photography Art or Not?!

Ever since the invention of the Camera there has been the ongoing (and rather fucking heated) debate/argument in the so called “Fine Art World” challenging Photography’s claim to actually being Art.

Now the Fine Art Assholes attitude is that Photography is NOT in any way, shape or form Art. They base Their pretentious opinion (which They believe to be fact) that because to take a Photograph you have to use a Mechanical Machine, and NOT YOUR HANDS so to speak.

I for one totally fucking disagree with the Fine Art Pompous Prats. I base My argument on the following.

I must pause this post a second to state that the Photography I am referring to is the Dying art of Film Photography, and NOT DIGITAL though I will touch on that again later on.

First off a Camera is like a Gun. A Gun can not get up off a table, load itself, search for a target, and shoot it without a Skilled Human behind it, and neither can a Camera.

That said I see NO difference then between a Camera or a Paint Brush for example. Both Cameras and Paint Brushes are TOOLS that can’t function without a Skilled Human to actually fucking use them.

The operative word here is SKILLED. Another staple of the Fine Art Idiots argument is that unlike a professionally trained Artists ANYONE can pick up a Camera and take a Picture. To that I say so fucking what?! Anyone can pick a Pen or Pencil per say and draw a picture too.

AND just like with the quote on quote Fine Fucking Arts if the Person hasn’t been trained nor educated properly then the Photo like the previously mentioned picture will just be a piece of amateur horseshit.

Not to mention that if someone takes a picture theres no way for them to ever see it if they don’t know how to develop the Picture which takes a meticulous multipart process to achieve.

If Your thinking about 1 Hour Photo or some shit like that remember We are talking about a PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER which means They do all the work Themselves unlike the lazy Digital Photo Assholes, but more about Them later.

I guess the best and only real question (that We can only attempt to answer) is this WHAT IS ART?

Official Definition of Art (allegedly as I have no fucking idea who came up with it) is The expression or application of Human creative skills and imagination, TYPICALLY in a Visual form such as Painting or Sculpture, producing works to be Appreciated Primarily for their Beauty or Emotional Power.

The first comment on that is this. Notice the key word in the definition is TYPICALLY NOT ONLY OR LIMITED TO. Photography is VISUAL, Beautiful, and Emotionally Powerful.

People seems to forget that you can tell a Story with a Photograph even though We all know the Cliche “A Picture (Photo) is worth 1,000 words”, and it proves to be true. The Photographer isn’t limited to taking pictures of shit that already exists.

The Photographer can set up or stage a shot to create a story of Their own using Props, Animals, Models, Costumes, Backdrops etc. if They so choose. This is the same way a Painter or Sculptor could paint or sculpt a bowl of fucking fruit or a Dragon.

Now here is where some may say it gets a bit sticky. While I fully believe Film Photography is a true and legit Art Form I don’t feel the same about Digital Photography.

Digital Photography IS SHIT AND CERTAINLY NOT ART. Digital Cameras preform all the tasks formerly done by the Photographer which dumbs it down so significantly that its NOT an ART.

My Question at this stage in the Art Game is What the fuck do The Fine Art Asswipes consider Graphic Art?! Graphic Art is completely created Digitally on a Computer by a Skilled Graphic Artist, BUT WOULD THEY CONSIDER IT ART?

The Debate Doesn’t Die It Evolves.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober