Let Sleeping Dogs Lie: The Meaning Behind Curious Sayings

The Meanings Behind Human Sayings/Slang are a Matter of Linguistic Logic of Sorts. There some Sayings Listed here that You more than likely are Familiar with along with Ones You’ve Never Heard Before, and Ones that just Make You Wonder “What The Fuck?!” Enjoy.

At the Eleventh Hour: Without a Moment to Spare; At The Latest Possible Time; Just Under the Wire

Strike While The Iron is Hot: To Act at the Most opportune Time; To Seize the Most Favorable Opportunity.

Down in The Dumps: Feeling Blue or Down; Dejected; Depressed.


A Bone To Pick:  A Difficulty or Problem that needs Solving; a Complaint or Grievance; Dispute; Misunderstanding.

Skeleton At The Feast: An Element of Gloom or Depression; An Omen of Misfortune; A Reminder of Possible Danger While Having Fun.

Ones’ Cake is Dough: Things Don’t Go As One Planned; One is Disappointed.


To Chew The Fat: To Debate or Dispute, Idle Talk, Vain Argument, or Just Plain Gossip.

To Cash In One’s Hand: To Die

White Collar Worker: One Who Preforms NON Manual Labor; A Professional Person; An Office Worker Rather Than a Construction Worker.

Make No Bones About It: To Speak Frankly; To Talk Shooting From The Hip; Having No Scruples; Make No Mistake; Telling It As It Is; To Speak Directly and Honestly

Check By Jowl: Simple Means “Cheek By Cheek”

To Lead By The Nose: To Dominate; To Have Control Over; To Hold Under Submission.


Dark and Bloody Ground: A Title Sometimes Given To The State of Kentucky  due to the Numerous Raids by Native American’s on White Settlers in the Days Before Colonization.

To Keep Ones Eyes Skinned/Peeled: To Be Extremely Observant or Alert; Keeping a Sharp Lookout.

To Go To The Dickens: Polite and Emphatic way of Saying “GO TO HELL”.


To Bite Off More Than One Can Chew: To Attempt more than oNe can Accomplish; To Try to do More Than One has Time or Ability For;  A Very Human Failing being one that is often Praiseworthy, but can Be Exasperating.

Even Steven: Without an Advantage (Example- To Swap Knifes “Even Steven”)

Lame Duck: Popular Slang (to this day) for Anything be it a Person or Thing that isn’t Worth Anything; Washed Up; Played Out; Has Been.


A Stiff Upper Lip: To Have Courage or Stoicism.

To Go Hog Wild: To Become Extremely Enthusiastic; To Become Wildly Excited; To Spend One’s Money like a Drunken Sailor.

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie: To Let a Matter or Person which is presently at Rest to Stay at Rest (or Asleep)  rather than to Create a Disturbance.


To Tilt at Windmills: To Wage a Battle or Take Arms Up Against an Imaginary Enemy or Evil.

Playing With Loaded Dice: Having Little Chance; Gambling or Engaging in any Undertaking in which the Odds are Rigged Against One.

To Have Many Irons In The Fire: To Undertake Many Different Tasks or Activities at One Time. (What would be Referred to as Multitasking Today)

To Kick Against The Pricks: To Try In Vain; To be Reluctant; To Bang One’s Head against the Wall; To Suffer from One’s Own Misdeeds; To Cut off One’s Nose to Spite Their Face.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober